Tracy Water Heaters 

Did you know that Bosch made water heaters? Have you ever heard of A.E. Smith or Eemax? Both companies make water heaters also. The former is one of the new guys on the block, barely twenty years old, but offers some of the best in solar water heater technology. The latter, an Australian company, holds the distinguished title of “World’s Most Reliable Water Heater” according to many industry experts. 

If you’re shopping for a new water heater, don’t think that those old standby companies like Westinghouse and Kenmore will continue to be the reliable performers they’ve always been. Some of the major brand names are now owned by other companies and the new names in the industry are now the ones you want to do business with. The technology has changed, and so have the players. 

Our Tracy Plumbing Company installs and repairs all major brands of water heaters from A to Z. If you have a problem and need a qualified plumber to find a solution, we are the only ones you need to call. If your old water heater is on its way out, we’ll even go over the different brand names with you and let you know what we believe is the best choice for your home. Not only are there more companies out there to choose from, but there are also different power sources available now, including solar and electric models that you only saw in science fiction a few years ago. 

Each of our Tracy plumbers is a proponent of green initiatives in our community, so if you’re thinking of upgrading, we encourage you to consider alternative energy sources. Solar water heaters are reliable and affordable, and they will save you thousands in heating bills over the next few decades. Ask us about your options when you call and we’ll be happy to provide you some price quotes and references.    

Tankless Water Heaters

Conventional Water heaters